What do you like most about your work?
I really enjoy diving into a complex valuation problem and figuring out all the pieces and parts. I love the challenge of solving a thorny appraisal project and helping make sense of it so I can help a client reach their goals. I love explaining the solution and watching the lightbulb go off and the smiles start.

What kinds of problems do you deal with?
If you mean being on the Board of Directors for my HOA, don’t get me started! On a serious note, I do try to stay active in the community through Rotary Club and Blue Ridge Honor Flight. Professionally, the primary challenges center around defining the problem at the front end, so as not to get surprised just before finalizing the main report. Not that that has ever happened, of course…..

How did you begin your career?
I started working in real estate in my early twenties, learning the ropes from the ground up. I’ve always worked in commercial properties: sales, development, management. Eventually I transitioned into larger projects. When I had an opportunity to learn appraisal work I was intrigued. Now I find myself bringing all my experience together.

How did you become interested in this field?
I met a prominent appraiser from western NC at a networking event. I was living in Charleston at the time, but seeing a woman who lived in “the other Carolina.” As I mentioned above, I was intrigued by what I heard about appraisal work, and interested in moving to North Carolina to cut down on the “long distance” aspect of the relationship. One thing led to another and now I’m a married appraiser!

When was the last time you were angry?
See my reference above to being a Board Member of the HOA. I get regular opportunities to “practice patience” and “let it go,” as my counselor wife likes to remind me.

What skills, abilities, and personal attributes are essential to your success?
I am able to see “The Big Picture,” envisioning how different pieces and partners can come together and all benefit. There is so much than can happen if the right combination of people with a common vision can come together and create something new. People tend to remember me – being 6’4” with a ponytail seems to help. I don’t mind working hard to make something worthwhile happen. I’ve also hired a good team to keep me on track – to take care of the details behind the grand vision.

brewery appraisal

What is a typical day (or week) like for you?

 john on the phone  I’m at my desk by 6:00 a.m. – I get some of my best work done before the phone starts to ring. My “lunch alarm” goes off around noon, so I take a break then. I’m ready to wind things up around 6:00 or 6:30 and relax. When we are not in the middle of a pandemic, I try to get out to explore Asheville on weekends – we enjoy music events, new restaurants, and the theater, but also just driving on the Parkway. Our 4-year-old granddaughter just moved to Asheville with her father, so we look forward to exploring with her, too!

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about the work I do with Rotary, both locally and internationally. I’ve helped with park and river clean-ups, medical mission trips to Honduras, and cultural exchanges. I am also passionate about the work of Blue Ridge Honor Flight, which brings veterans of overseas conflicts from WWII through Vietnam (so far) to Washington DC for the day to visit the memorials and be honored for their service.

What are your pet peeves?
Hmm, pet peeves. My wife insisting on “straightening up my office” is a big one. “Every item in every one of those stacks is there for a reason! Wait, I’ve been looking for that – thank you!”

What makes you unique?
Did I mention I’m 6’4” with a ponytail? I have a travel bucket list that’s quite lengthy. I enjoy photography. One day I’m going to get a drone. I enjoy new experiences, so all of these things fit together.